Don't do it!!!

Ааааа, на многу добар текст налетав на интернетов, односно станува збор за Dont do it! кампања на Consolidated Skateboards! За што станува збор??? Добро е што веќе почнува пополека од фирмиве да зборат дека целава скејт индустрија иде во пропаст и дека се губи вeke правиот felling на skateboarding-от, односно све е вeke за пари, влагаат големи корпорации во skateboardingot, го раководаат луге што немаат врска со sk8! Потполно се согласувам, тоа и кај нас се случува, ск8 шоповиве кај нас ги држат фаци што појма немаат од sk8, и тоа за нив е обичен бутик кој им служи за праење пари, зошто нормално сите више носат sk8 патики. Све до тогаш ке нема сцена кај нас... Еве ви еден дел од интервјуто со газдата на Consolidated skateboards:
Birdo Interview - Don’t do it!
February 25, 2008
Birdo is the man behind the “Don’t Do It” Campain, the head of Consolidated Skateboards and a life-long skateboarder. See what he has to say!
Olliemag: Let’s start this off with a bang. Since your “Don’t Do It” campaign started have Consolidated sales went up?
Birdo: Nope. It didn’t when we had the campaign in 97 either. If this in in reference to the common accusation that the Don’t do it campaign is a marketing ploy, it’s not. If you don’t like me or you don’t like Consolidated, don’t buy it-there’s plenty of other skater owned companies to buy from. But don’t use this as an excuse to not care. While I love Consolidated, it’s more about preserving an environment that companies like Consolidated can live in. I realized that keeping skateboarding in the hands of skateboarders took precedence. Its more important to preserve the opportunity to start your own company, shop, or magazine, with a legitimate expectation that it could succeed, and provide a livelihood for a skateboarder in skateboarding. If we allow all the non skater owned companies into the industry, the reality of this future is lost. Look at any industry, with all the box stores. What happened to all the mom and pops? Why would skateboarding be immune to this? Its not.
Olliemag: Why don’t you go after other brands than Nike like Adidas who are trying to infiltrate skateboarding? Why focus mainly on Nike?
Birdo: There are lots of other non skater companies that are infiltrating and taking from skateboarding. Look at Zumiez, Pac Sun, all the sporting goods chains like Sportsmart and Sports Chalet. Nike just happens to be out in the forefront, helping to pave the way for legitimization of all the non skater companies. The fact that you asked me this question shows that people understand there is no difference between Nike, Adidas, Converse, Reebok, Puma, Zumiez, Target, Walmart, etc. If Nike gets in, the others will follow behind. If Nike falls, the others will fall like dominos. My intentions are simple, keep skateboarding in the hands of skateboarders.
OllieMag: Some people think you are this ruthless tyrant that is just piggy backing on Nike’s success. What do you want to say to all of them?
Birdo: Lol! Who’s piggy backing off of who? Looks to me like Nike is trying to piggy back off of skateboardings success! But for the people that think the Don’t Do It campaign is some kind of marketing thing for Consolidated, the answer is simple. Don’t buy our shit! We’re content with our little spot on the reef. Just buy from a skateboard company or shop that comes from skateboarding. There are plenty of them and all we’re trying to do is ensure they’re around for the future.
Olliemag: Are there plans to expand the “don’t do it” campain?
Birdo: I will fight until skateboarding is back in the hands of skaters.
Olliemag: If you could change the skateboard industry , what would you do?
Birdo: I would get skateboarding back into the hands of skateboarders. No more mall chains and sporting goods stores diluting the sales of the core shops. The core shops make it grow and then the outsiders want to cash in on their passion and dedication. Were also working on starting a skate shop union so that the core shops can have a unified voice. So if some company decides to do something that isn’t in the best interest of the core shops, they can then send them a strong message.
uh, uh, uh. Kakvo prepucavanje vo MEGA skejt americhkata industrija okolu to be or not to be a REAL skateboarder, the question is now? Se pochnuva okolu Chet Childress koj vozi vekje 100 godini kako pro skejter i e super dobar, medjutoa dlaboko vo dushata sigurno sekogash posakuval da vechera vo fancy restorani, oblechen vo fancy obleka so svojata fancy zena i kola :). Nema nishto losho vo toa da otidesh da jadesh so drushtvo vo nekoe ubavo da ne recham fancy mesto, da imash parichka vo djebot i prevoz i sl. no toa e daleku od eden lifestyle koj skejtersishte kako Chett go promoviral dosega...Od druga strana pa bi rekol deka Consolidated postojat od sekogash kako motivatori vo sk8 scenata no vo onoj po-mrachniot del, ja imale istata moznost kako segashive ogromni MEGA FAKE kompanii: da prejdat vo mainstream-ot i da imaat ogromen profit od ona sto cel zivot go sakaat i go pravat najdobro zatoa sto vo momentov golemite igrachi so puno kesh gi interesira MEGA popularnosta na skejtbording-ot i moznosta za profitiranje vo takva sredina koja gi pokriva site celni grupi od opstestvoto, od najmali do postari gradjani ili da si ja chuvaat nivnata ulica i daska i iskinati patiki daleku od se sto e materijalno pokrieno od nedosledni karakteri koi samo popolnuvaat bankovni rachuni...Well, Consolidated go odbrale ona vtoroto taka da...Se nadevam deka istoto nema da se sluchi i so Evropskata scena koja iako e golema nekako ne e tolku MEGA kako vo USA...United We Stand Divided We Fall...Vo prevod: Zaedno sme Posilni :)
Abe vidi, so kes se se postignuva i stalno ke se mesa kesot segde(za zal u ova se uveruvam sekoj den),ama koga neso ne e od srce ne trae dolgo.Ja mislam use nekoe vreme ke se diga galama okolu sk8 i posle koga tie golemi kompanii i bogati shabani ke si najdat dr. rabota kaj so ke gi trosat parite ke si ostane samo stariot sk8 so pravite faci...Bitno e do togas da se pruzi dobar otpor:))))).SK8 FOR FUN
to be matevski majstore, razjasni u prevod malce za nasive dechinja kolku chuka satot na golemi svetski skejt porti. hm, sat chuka na porti, totalno ludilo. nema veze. bravo pero, sekoja chest za ovoj intervju pronajdok. sto ubavo me raduvate kako podaroci. zacnuvanje na epten bitna tema, personalen pristap, samo chekav koga ke padne nesto vakvo vo nasevo malo blogche.
>let the discussion begin<
moe mislenje e deka:
dodeka jas sum star skejter vo skopjevo nema da ima mnogu koj da vleze vo skejt industrijata shto ke ja pridobie celata skejt ekipa. firma/shop na skejter koj ke gi natera drugite skejtshopovi da go pochituvaat skejtot malce povekje ako sakaat da ostanat na teren i da ja povratime mokta sto ja prokockaa nasite lokalni bivshi skejteri: malo i ficho. tesko e vo biznis svetot da se borish so drugo moto osven pari ko so vika drugarot ile.
potrebni ni se stari budali sto nesakaat da se trgnat od skejt krugot. faci koj sto toprva treba da porasnat, a do togash da rabotat na opsto skirol dobro kako znaat i umeat. se ke ni se vrati pozitivno, ne se sekirajte.
faci kako ljate eden den ke dovrshat fakultet i ke bidat poprisutni i vo tek so skirolot doma, skejtshop koj sto ima potencijal da bide poshteno skejterski.
faci kako mate koj stotuku se zagrevaat so blogov i rabotat na slucajot so text/photo/video zapisi i ke ne informiraat za se.
faci kako viktor sto napravile mnogu elementi i nashle lek za mnogu nashi osovini, dzitchinja i slichni mehanicki dejnosti.
faci kako brakjata aziri sto ni donesoa nova ne/kultura i svezhina, nov stil, tolku potrebnata diva liga i razbivanjeto na tabuata.
faci kako ace maliot, koj sto e premnogu mal za da bide tolku vistinski skejter, sto ja osekja sustinata na skirolot pod tie mali nodzinja.
neznam...... nema kraj...
sekoja chest!
da ne pocnam da gi redam i facite od vcera hehe, kolku samo mnogu sme i kolku mnogu elan pichi niz nas.
skateboarding should stay in the streets where it belongs, all you kids out there, always, keep the fate!
they are the future, they are the future...KIDS!!! Rabotenje za opsto skirol dobro, mnogu mi se dopadja kako zvuchi toa :) PIP
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